[來源:nuodeli.cn] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:18-02-05] [瀏覽次數(shù):]
優(yōu)化對于做網(wǎng)站的人來說,是再熟悉不過了。但是,在做優(yōu)化的過程中,很多人犯了許多錯誤。我們在做優(yōu)化的時候,要盡量避免這些錯誤。 1.避免經(jīng)常改動網(wǎng)站TDK 眾多周知網(wǎng)站TDK三個標(biāo)簽是網(wǎng)頁或者網(wǎng)站在排名中起著非常重要作用,尤其是現(xiàn)在title、description標(biāo)簽是不能經(jīng)常變動的,現(xiàn)在搜索引擎重點關(guān)注這兩個標(biāo)簽,keywords標(biāo)簽在參加排名時的權(quán)重已經(jīng)很小了。一般經(jīng)常做seo的同學(xué)不會范這樣的問題,只有行業(yè)新手可能會出現(xiàn)這個問題,如果你改一次搜索引擎就會重新抓取一次,如果是剛建立的新站,那么搜索引擎會延緩收錄你的站,或者你的網(wǎng)站和網(wǎng)頁已經(jīng)被百度收錄了,但是不會放到搜索前臺,也就是只存在于搜索引擎的索引庫中而用戶是看不到的。 2.避免低質(zhì)量鏈接 seo行業(yè)有一句話就是內(nèi)容為王、外鏈為皇,可見外鏈的重要性,優(yōu)質(zhì)外鏈更是被搜索引擎青睞。網(wǎng)站在搜索引擎中的排名、權(quán)重、關(guān)鍵詞排名都不能缺少優(yōu)質(zhì)外鏈的幫助,如果不注重外鏈質(zhì)量而只注重數(shù)量就會造成大量的垃圾外鏈,時間長了或者達(dá)到搜索引擎的一個默認(rèn)量網(wǎng)站就會產(chǎn)生波動,因此要盡量避免低質(zhì)量鏈接。 3.避免網(wǎng)站友情鏈接出現(xiàn)問題 雖然網(wǎng)站被降權(quán)的原因很多,但是網(wǎng)站友情鏈接絕對是其中非常重要的一項,如果網(wǎng)站被降權(quán)了,要及時檢查友鏈,看對方網(wǎng)站是否被k、無法訪問、訪問緩慢等問題,如果有較多的友鏈網(wǎng)站對方?jīng)]有鏈接到自己網(wǎng)站,那也是需要及時處理的,要不然也會出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)站數(shù)據(jù)不正常的問題,所以在網(wǎng)站友情鏈接這一塊一定要及時查看。 4.避免選擇難優(yōu)化的關(guān)鍵詞 什么是難優(yōu)化的關(guān)鍵詞呢?可以通過什么方式判斷這個詞是否容易優(yōu)化呢?難優(yōu)化的關(guān)鍵詞就是競爭度和熱度比較大的關(guān)鍵詞。那么可以通過什么方式判斷這個詞是否難優(yōu)化呢?可以通過百度指數(shù)、搜索引擎自然排名、百度推廣、關(guān)鍵詞網(wǎng)頁數(shù)量等數(shù)據(jù)來判斷這個詞是否容易優(yōu)化。 The optimization is more familiar to the people who do the website. However, in the process of optimizing, many people made a lot of mistakes. When we do the optimization, we should try to avoid these mistakes. 1. avoid change is often a page or site in the rankings plays an important role in many well-known website TDK website TDK three labels, especially now title, description tags are not often change, so the search engines focus on these two tags, keywords tags in the ranking of the weight is very small. General SEO students often do not fan such problems, only the industry novice may appear this problem, if you change a new search engine will grab one, if it is just a new station, then the search engine will delay included your station, or your website and web page has been Baidu included, but do not put the search index library is the front, only exists in the search engine and the user can not see. 2., to avoid low quality link SEO industry, there is a saying that content is king and outer chain is emperor, so we can see the importance of external chain, and high-quality chain is also favored by search engines. The site in the search engine rankings, weight and keywords ranking are not the quality of the chain to help, if you do not pay attention to the quality of the chain and focus only on the number of it will cause a lot of garbage outside the chain, a long time or reaches a default amount of search engine website will produce a wave, so try to avoid low quality links. 3. avoid the site Links problems although many websites were down the right, but the site Links is definitely a very important one, if the site is down right, should promptly check the chain, see each other site is k, can not access, slow access and other issues, if there are many friends of the chain website no other links to your site, it is also the need for timely treatment, otherwise there will be problems of abnormal website data, so check on the website Links this is a must. 4. what are the key words that are difficult to optimize by avoiding the choice of the key key words that are difficult to optimize? In what way can the word be judged to be easy to optimize? The key words that are difficult to optimize are the key words which are more competitive and more heat. So in what way can the word be judged to be difficult to optimize? It can be judged by the Baidu index, the natural ranking of the search engines, the promotion of Baidu, the number of keyword pages and so on, to determine whether the word is easy to optimize.
